Players :
player raceDek
player raceRille
3.1 / 5 starstarstarstarstar ( 19 votes )
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How to rush with terran !?
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06 Aug 2010 | Comments (15)
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Necro wrote (2011-06-21 15:56:49)

avatar Zergling

how can i download the replays?

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Peacekopate wrote (2011-03-18 12:27:34)

avatar Zergling

really bad game sorry but learn how play in campagn before please , banshee cloak ... really :( poor dude

:(  i've spend my time to watch that  :(

and the red player ... no mule ... woow ^^


learn learn learn , campagn campagn campagn ... ^^


bad game

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Strandjunior wrote (2010-12-09 16:00:26)

avatar Zergling

Well I bet this wouldnt work if Rille wouldnt go for 2 gas and 2 reactors so early..

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Tehceltic wrote (2010-11-28 23:04:20)

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i got to say i really liked the banshee touch, a good strat for harassment, little slow with the marine only build but still good replay none the less

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Halvetamme wrote (2010-11-20 18:43:12)

avatar Zergling

that can be arranged no problem. whenever son

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Terr wrote (2010-11-12 12:06:58)

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rewrite : "i wish i could play with dek!! vs me!! "

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Breezyboi wrote (2010-11-04 17:07:41)

avatar Zergling

This is a copper league replay.  At 8 minutes into the game one of the players has 9 svc's and the other has 16 this is noob town usa don't waste ur time.

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Silocan wrote (2010-11-03 06:48:24)

avatar Zergling

thanks, good replay

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Dallas wrote (2010-10-29 06:36:01)

avatar Marine

great game but more veriaty would have been nice

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Smeddy wrote (2010-10-23 10:49:48)

avatar Zergling

wp :P

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Dekker wrote (2010-10-02 20:02:24)

avatar Hydralisk

:) thx for watching Chocked

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Halvetamme wrote (2010-09-26 19:44:50)

avatar Zergling

just a gg dek

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Backfire wrote (2010-09-18 15:42:24)

avatar Zergling

if either noob would have walled off like any decent terran player, the outcome would have been significantly different. grats on the win none-the-less. luring them into your seige was the best part :)

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Monmon wrote (2010-09-07 18:21:41)

avatar Zergling

What's the F*** A game betwin 2 noobs ? Oo

This game can be finish in 3m ... 14 boring minuts ...

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Xanthar wrote (2010-08-30 05:38:21)

avatar Zergling

I've never tried pushing out with Marines like that so early, it worked for you though!!  the cloaked Banshee was a nice touch in his mineral line, hehe.

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