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Protoss vs protoss basics

 by Telecom

Protoss VS Protoss

  • Take into consideration map size. On all maps except desert oasis and twilight fortress you should be doing the same basic build order.
  • In every Protoss vs Protoss you should expect warp gate rush, Always.
  • Always research warpgate as soon as cybernetics core is finished.

In Protoss vs Protoss I like to opt for an income build, not getting gateway till 13th probe.  Then immediate gateway / gas, the reason I decided to do this a lot of the time is because of the fact that when using the chrono boost, you can constantly build probes to 13 before getting a gateway and then your economy is extremely well.  

        Probes should be pumping constantly only stopping to build units or buildings. Once gateway is finished you add on cybernetics core. Use the chrono boost now to make zealot build faster so you can assure that you are secure.

     Once the cybernetics core is finished immediatly start warp gate research and use all chrono boost's on the cybernetics core to make the research of warpgates finish faster.  throw down 2 more gateway's and a robotics facility for immortal's. Immediate start of warpgates once the gateways are finished and start warping in alot of zealots / 2 sentrys. 2nd gas should be added after cybernetics core is finished. 

      Pump 2 immortals then an observer, to be safe and then move on to go for colossus.  and keep warping in units, a few stalkers will be useful, but not many.  Always research the colossus range, making colossus alot more powerful.  

       Once you have 1 colossus finisheed and another about half way done you can feel safe to expand seeing as how your ground army is at a safe count.  Once you start nexus keep warping in units and have colossus pumping constantly.  All units should be infront of nexus now.  Keep macroing, colossus and add on a good bit of stalkers with your zealots once your expansion is up.  Get zealot charge upgrade and +1 attack once expansion is safe.  Keep macroing and GL HF GG.

Hope you enjoy my PvP Guide.

Heres a replay i Uploaded to the site explaining this tactic.


25 Mar 2010 | Comments (4)

Baknik wrote (2010-09-14 23:10:38)

avatar Zergling

Nice info here, but nothing new or innovative. I also disagreew ith getting two immortals before the observer. Always try to get that observer out ASAP to see what you're up against. Also, it's generally hard to have 5 gateways on one base and keep pumping units out of all of them. Stick to 3 gates and robo or 4 gate on one base. Work on your punctuation a bit as well. Thanks for the guide.

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Adonixx wrote (2010-03-30 23:32:27)

avatar Zergling

That Was Nice. I plan on going  toss. Thanks for the tips.

+1 up rate down rate

Rabbid wrote (2010-03-26 23:46:29)

avatar Zergling

A bit of a help but not much up, a few pictures would have gone a long way to help.

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Jame wrote (2010-03-26 17:07:56)

avatar Thor guide with a copper shield awardedguide with a copper shield awardedguide with a copper shield awardedguide with a copper shield awarded shields awarded

This is a big improvement compared to your previous guides Telecom. You're on the right track!


I'm giving your guide a 4/5.

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